The department of Bodo was introduced in the year 1993. The subject was recognized by Gauhati University in the same year. After the introduction of this subject as Elective Bodo, students have been benefitted as many students come from Bodo medium background. The subject gained more importance when the College under Gauhati University introduced Major in Bodo in the year 2015. The intake capacity of students with first class with University rankings. Maximum of them are studying in Gauhati University & Bodoland University for their Post Graduation Courses Presently there are four full time Asst. Professor in the department

Departmental Activities:

Besides the regular classes done through traditional lecture method, the department conducts seminars, group discussions, teaching and learning through audio visual aids for the major & regular courses. It also gives regular assignments to the students and conduct sessional Tests. Apart from this academic activities, department also conduct extension services in nearby schools of the area where students get involved actively.


Department has a good collection of more than 600 textbooks and references as well that are accessible for both students and teachers. The Department has a good numbers of collections of Bodo cultural materials.


Mr. Brajen Brahma

Head of Department


Mr. Dhanan Basumatary

Asstt. Professor

M.A., NET (JRF), SLET, B.Ed.

Mr. Kanteswar Boro

Asstt. Professor


Mrs. Janali Basumatary

Asstt. Professor


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